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ESX.OneSync.SpawnObject(model, coords, heading, cb)

An Async function that Creates Server-Sided Objects.

Note: CreateObject Is a RPC (Remote Procedure Call) Native, which means it requires there to be a valid client nearby for it to be able to spawn!


ArgumentData TypeOptionalDefault ValueExplanation
modelstring & numberNo-Model of the Object - can either be a String or a hash
coordsvector & tableNo-The coords where the Object should be spawned.
headingnumberNo-The Heading the object Will be facing
cbfunctionYes-The returned function when the vehicle has been spawned. The invoked function has 1 argument which is the Entity Handle.


local model = 'v_corp_bk_lamp1' -- Model can be either a string or a hash
local coords = vector3(120.0, -200.0, 30.0) -- Coords Can either be vector or a table (such as {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0})
local Heading = 0 -- Sets the Rotation/Heading the ped spawns at, can be any number
ESX.OneSync.SpawnObject(model,coords, Heading, function(Object)
Wait(100) -- While not needed, it is best to wait a few milliseconds to ensure the Object is available
local Exists = DoesEntityExist(Object) -- returns true/false depending on if the Object exists.
print(Exists and 'Successfully Spawned Object!' or 'Failed to Spawn Failed!')