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ESX.Game.GetPlayers(onlyOtherPlayers, returnKeyValue, returnPeds)

This function is used to get all the active players.


ArgumentData TypeOptionalDefault ValueExplanation
onlyOtherPlayersbooleanYesnil (false)Only return other players than yourself?
returnKeyValuebooleanYesnil (false)If set to true it will return in a key-value table where key is player client id and key being the ped handle. Otherwise it create a index-value table, with value being either the ped handle or client id depending on returnPeds
returnPedsbooleanYesnil (false)If set to true it will return the ped handle for that player, otherwise it will return the player client id


local players = ESX.Game.GetPlayers()

for k,v in ipairs(players) do
local targetPed = GetPlayerPed(v)
print(('A player with server id %s found at %s!'):format(GetPlayerServerId(v), GetEntityCoords(targetPed)))