ESX.RegisterCommand(name, Permissions, cb, allowConsole,suggestion)
Registers A command using ESX functions, these use ACE permissions to automatically assign which groups can access the command. It Also has argument types, allowing for better control over the arguments.
ESX.RegisterCommand({'clear', 'cls'}, 'user', function(xPlayer, args, showError)
end, false, {help = _U('command_clear')})
ESX.RegisterCommand({'cardel', 'dv'}, 'admin', function(xPlayer, args, showError)
if not args.radius then args.radius = 4 end
xPlayer.triggerEvent('esx:deleteVehicle', args.radius)
end, false, {help = _U('command_cardel'), arguments = {name = 'radius', help = _U('command_cardel_radius'), type = 'any'}})
Function Arguments
Argument | Data Type | Optional | Default Value | Explanation |
name | string | No | - | Name of Command |
Permissions | string | No | - | Minimum Permission Group |
cb | Function | No | xPlayer, args, showError | Function to run |
AllowConsole | bool | No | - | Can Be ran from console |
suggestion | table | Yes | - | Chat Suggestion |
args | table | Yes | - | Command Arguments |
Command Argument Types
Type | Explanation |
number | Requires a Integer Value |
player | Requires A playerID, returns player object |
string | String Input |
item | Checks if input is a valid item |
weapon | Checks if input is a Weapon |
any | Any Input allowed |